To save your valuable time in searching through our many listings and checking for availability, we suggest that you send us your request directly via e-mail or by telephone.
You will generally receive an answer within just a few hours. If you are coming last minute within two weeks or so, please let us know that and we will send you any last minute specials that may be available.
For the months of November, December, January and February we might offer some last minute specials on select apartments.
Please e-mail us your request at the address shown below including your exact dates of interest, number of people in your party and possibly your price range.
We will get back to you with the most suitable available options according to your needs.
Please submit your inquiry to: mail@venicerentals.com You may also telephone us in our Florida office at any hour of the day. If we are unavailable, please leave a detailed message and we'll get back to you within 24 hours. Tel: 239-287-0447 (Florida, USA) |
Deals Services Apartments Districts Lido Planning Reservations 860 Kendall Drive, Marco Island, FL. • 34145 • USA e-mail us: mail@venicerentals.com A registered and certified business by the city of Quincy, MA, USA, under the provision of Chapter One Hundred Ten, Section Five of General Laws To report a problem with this site, contact Areafocus, Inc. Last updated Oct 11, 2015 |